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Return policy
You can resign from the goods purchased in our store without giving a reason within 14 days from the date of delivery of the goods. Resignation should be reported at the company's headquarters by sending us a letter or e-mail about withdrawal from the contract. After sending the letter, you should send the goods that are the subject of the contract to the warehouse of our company as soon as possible at your own expense to the following address:

Wilk Brothers Furniture ul. Peaceful 17 Pisary 32-064

The period between sending the letter and delivering the goods cannot be longer than 14 days. Withdrawal from the contract is free of payment of any sum, i.e. compensation. However, the returned goods cannot bear traces of use and have intact original packaging. An invoice must be sent with the returned product. If the invoice also includes other non-returnable goods, we will send you a correcting invoice after changing the order. We guarantee the return of the product price within 14 days of receiving it. The cost of delivery and return of the product is not reimbursed by the store. If it turns out that the returned goods have traces of use or do not have a company packaging, the returned amount will be reduced by the cost of new packaging of the goods. At the same time, we would like to inform you that we do not accept any shipments sent back to us on delivery.
The person responsible and the payer for delivering the return intact to the indicated address is the Customer.
If the goods arrive damaged or unpacked, the refund amount, after inspection of the goods, will be reduced according to the above-mentioned rules.



- A payment on account

Krzysztof Wilk - WILK BROTHERS

Juliusza Lea 12B/P7

30-048 Krakow

NIP 6772321581

REGON 385566938

ACCOUNT NUMBER: PL93249000050000453086676056

- Pay



Parcels are sent to you via a courier company in
within 2 business days. After sending the parcel, you will receive an e-mail with confirmation and with the number of the waybill.
You can also  locate your package by entering the received number and contact the courier company to agree on a convenient delivery date._cc781905-5cde-31954-bb3b-186address, which the shipment will be delivered, will be given in the e-mail sent to you confirming the acceptance of the order. If you need to change the delivery address after placing your order, please contact our store via  email (always remember to include your order number).


Proceedings in the absence of the recipient of the shipment
In the event of your absence, the courier will leave a notice with information on when and where you can pick up the parcel or order another delivery. Delivery of the advised shipment is free of charge. The collection date is three days counted from the date of leaving the notification. In special cases, with the consent of the courier company, it is possible to extend it, but the conditions should be agreed individually by calling the number provided on the advice note. After this date, the goods will be returned to the warehouse or our supplier. It will be possible to deliver it again after paying the fees resulting from its return, equal to the cost of delivery. If the ordered goods are not collected within 30 days, they will be intended for further sale.



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To ensure a smooth and enjoyable online shopping experience, we believe that all our store policies must be clear, fair and transparent. Please read them below, and if you have any questions, please contact us.




1. The Regulations define the rules for the use by Users, including Buyers, of the Store run by the Seller.
2. The Regulations are made available continuously on the Store's website in a way that allows Users to obtain, reproduce and record its content.

The terms used in the Regulations mean:
1. Seller -

Krzysztof Wilk - WILK BROTHERS

Juliusza Lea 12B/P7

30-048 Krakow

NIP 6772321581

REGON 385566938 activity entered into the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity, who, while conducting business activity, sells goods or provides services within the Store.
2. Store - a collection of websites and IT tools (website) managed by the Seller and allowing Users to conclude Sales Agreements or Agreements for the provision of services, available in the Internet domain:
3. Buyer - a User who has concluded a Sales Agreement or a Service Agreement as part of the Store.
4. Sales contract - a contract concluded in the Store on the terms of the Regulations between the Seller and the Buyer, the subject of which is the sale of items to the Buyer.
5. Agreement for the provision of services - an agreement concluded in the Store on the terms resulting from the Regulations between the Seller and the Buyer, the subject of which is the provision of a service or services by the Seller to the Buyer.
6. Agreement - includes the Sales Agreement and the Agreement for the provision of services.
7. Regulations - these Shop Regulations.
9. Materials - information contained on the Store's websites, including names and descriptions as well as photos and graphic illustrations of the goods belong solely to the owner of the website.

11. User - an Internet user using the Store, purchasing or intending to purchase goods or services presented by the Seller via the Store.
12. PayU - PayU SA with its registered office in Poznań, (60-166 Poznań, ul. Grunwaldzka 182), entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000274399, share capital in the amount of PLN 4,000,000 paid up in full, having a tax identification number NIP: 7792308495 and REGON number 300523444.
13. Newsletter - a service provided by the Seller, consisting in sending information by electronic means, including commercial information, in particular regarding the Seller and its products, the electronic sales industry, news, promotions and commercial offers.

1. A user who is a natural person may use the Store provided that he/she has full legal capacity.
2. A user who is not a natural person may use the Store through persons authorized to act on his behalf, taking into account the provisions contained in the REGISTRATION IN THE STORE section, point 4.
3. The User may use the Store via devices that communicate with the Internet (computer, telephone), using a web browser.
4. The User is obliged to provide true, current and complete data in the forms referred to in the REGISTRATION IN THE STORE section, in points 2 and 3, and to act in accordance with the terms of the Regulations. The data provided by the User may not violate the provisions of the currently applicable law and personal rights and rights of third parties.
5. The use by the User of the Seller's name, the Store's logo, Materials and components of the Store other than Materials (including graphic elements of the Store as well as the layout and composition of the Store - the so-called layout) is prohibited, except for the situations clearly indicated in the Regulations or when the use of the indicated herein copyright and industrial property items is possible on the basis of the express written consent of the Seller or authorized third parties (including producers or distributors of goods or services, Allegro Group or entities related to Allegro Group). The Seller informs that Grupa Allegro has the right to the concept of the Store understood as the entirety of functional solutions and visual elements. It is forbidden for the User to take any actions aimed at recreating the Store, in particular on websites and Internet domains associated with the User.
6. The User is obliged not to disclose to third parties his login and password used to log in to the Store.

1. Users have the option of:
a. using the Store, including concluding Agreements, without the need to register, or
b. register in the Store using the User's access data (login and password) assigned to the Allegro account.
2. Conclusion of an Agreement for the purchase of a given good or service without prior registration in the Store is possible, subject to the remaining provisions of the Regulations, after meeting the following conditions jointly:
a. correctly completing the electronic online form available on the Store's website by providing the required data,
b. acceptance of the Regulations.
3. In the case of a legal person and an organizational unit without legal personality, registration in the Store, as well as all other activities of this entity in the Store, may only be performed by a person who is authorized to perform on behalf of this entity all activities related to the use of the Store (including including registration) and to exercise all rights and obligations of this entity as a User (including the Buyer).
4. The Seller may request authentication of the data provided by the User, including in the case of updating the User's data, by sending the required documents to the Seller.
5. In the event of any change to the User's data provided during registration, the User should update them before concluding the next Agreement, using the appropriate form available in the Store.
6. Upon registration in the Store, a User account is created, which is a set of resources in which information about the User and his activities within the Store in connection with concluded Agreements are collected. As part of his account, the User has, among others: access to the history of your orders in the Store.

1. The user, browsing the store's pages, in particular those presenting goods, services and shipping costs, has the opportunity to get acquainted with their description, features, technical parameters, price and shipping costs as well as additional costs. The Seller undertakes to present on the above pages clear and reliable information enabling the User to familiarize himself with his offer.
2. Before placing an order, the User places the product or service of his choice in the virtual basket that he intends to purchase. The virtual basket is a tool that enables the User to aggregate selected goods/services before purchasing them, convert the value of goods/services collected in the basket and convert delivery costs. When selecting goods/services, the User may freely manage the contents of the basket by adding more goods/services to the basket or removing them from the basket.
3. After the final selection of goods/services to be purchased, the User is directed to the online form used to place orders in the Store. The order submission form may be composed of component forms used to specify:
a. delivery address,
b. method of delivery,
c. method of payment for goods/services.
4. Placing an order constitutes an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, submitted by the User to the Seller. After receiving the order, the Seller verifies whether the order has been placed correctly (in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations). If the Seller finds that the order has been placed incorrectly, the Seller will inform the User about it.
5. After placing the correct order, the Seller immediately sends the User information about the acceptance of the order (acceptance of the offer) to the e-mail address provided when placing the order or during registration. The contract for a given product or service is concluded when the Seller sends the User information about the acceptance of the order.
6. In the case of a Contract for the provision of services, the Seller shall notify the Buyer before placing an order about the minimum period for which the Contract is to be concluded, if it concerns a continuous or periodic service.
1. Payments for goods or ordered services purchased in the Store by the Buyer (price and delivery costs) are made using the payment tools available in the Store and on the terms specified by the Seller. The available payment methods are specified on the "Payment methods" page.
2. All prices in the Store are gross prices including value added tax (VAT) in the amount resulting from separate regulations. The costs of delivery of goods/services to the User are provided separately on the "Delivery time and costs" page.
3. The User purchases goods and orders services according to the prices and the amount of delivery costs applicable at the time of placing the order. The amount of delivery costs depends on the delivery method chosen by the User.
5. The Seller reserves the right to change the prices and the amount of delivery costs, in particular in the event of a change in the price lists of services provided by entities performing deliveries. This provision does not apply to effectively placed orders.

1. The delivery takes place to the address indicated by the Buyer within the time limit specified in the offer, with the exception of "made-to-order" products, the delivery time of which may be longer, of which the customer is informed.
2. The place of performance related to the purchase of goods in the Store is the delivery address indicated by the Customer, subject to the goods collected personally by Customers, where the place of performance is the personal collection point selected by the Customer.
3. If the Seller cannot perform the service due to the fact that the goods or services are not available, immediately, but at the latest within thirty days from the conclusion of the Agreement, he will notify the Buyer and return the entire amount of money received from him, if any amount has already been paid.
4. In the event that the Seller cannot perform the obligation due to even a temporary inability to fulfill the service with the properties ordered by the consumer, he may release himself from the obligation by providing a substitute service corresponding to the same quality and purpose and for the same price or remuneration, informing the consumer at the same time in writing about his right not to accept this benefit and withdraw from the contract with the return of the item at the expense of the Seller.

1. To use the Newsletter, a computer with Internet access, a standard web browser and an active and properly configured e-mail are required.
2. The Newsletter is a free service provided by the Store for Users who are not Buyers and Users for
a. fill out the Newsletter subscription form available on the Store's website and agree to receive commercial information by electronic means or
b. agree to the sending of commercial information during registration in the Store.
4. Opting out of receiving information as part of the Newsletter is possible by completing the Newsletter subscription form on the Store's website, as well as by clicking on the link available in the message sent as part of the Newsletter.
5. The User does not pay any fees to the Seller for using the Newsletter. The User is obliged to bear the costs of data transmission via the Internet related to the use of the Newsletter.

1. The personal data provided by the Users is collected and processed by the Seller in accordance with applicable law and in accordance with the Privacy Policy contained in Appendix 2 to the Regulations.

1. The Buyer may submit complaints to the Seller regarding the Seller's operation and the use of the Store.
2. Complaints may be submitted electronically  or in writing to the Seller's address given in the upper part of the Regulations. The complaint should contain at least:
a. name, surname, address, e-mail address of the Buyer,
b. the date of conclusion of the Agreement constituting the basis for the complaint,
c. the subject of the complaint, indicating the Buyer's request,
d. any circumstances justifying the complaint,
3. The Buyer will be informed about the resolution of the complaint by e-mail or by traditional mail.
4. The store recognizes the complaint within 14 days from the date of its receipt in the correct form.
5. If the purchased goods are covered by the warranty, e.g. by the manufacturer, importer, Seller, etc., the scope of which is confirmed by the warranty document issued with the goods, regardless of other complaint rights, the Buyer may submit a complaint, referring to the scope of the warranty granted.

1. Pursuant to the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights, the Buyer who is a consumer may withdraw from the Agreement without giving reasons within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods, and when the Agreement concerned the service - within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement provision of services, subject to sec. 5 below.
2. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient to send a written statement of withdrawal in paper form or by e-mail. Immediately after receiving the statement, the Seller will send to the Buyer a confirmation of its receipt on a durable medium.
3. In the event of withdrawal from the Agreement, the Agreement is considered not concluded. What the parties have provided shall be returned unchanged, unless a change was necessary within the limits of ordinary management. The return should take place immediately, not later than within fourteen days.
4. In the event of a prepayment made by the Buyer, the Seller is obliged to return the price together with statutory interest calculated from the date of prepayment.
5. Withdrawal from the Agreement by the Buyer who is a consumer is not possible in cases where benefits and goods are subject to return, the purchase of which, in accordance with applicable law, cannot be withdrawn.
6. If the duration of the Agreement for the provision of services is not specified, either party may terminate it without giving reasons, with one month's notice, unless the parties agreed on a shorter notice period.

1. The Seller is not responsible for the Users' inability to use the Store due to force majeure.
2. The Seller reserves the right to interruptions in access to the Store caused by its technical service, maintenance work or work on improving the functionality of the Store. At the same time, the Seller undertakes to make every effort to ensure that these breaks take place at night and last as short as possible.

1. The Seller reserves the right to change the provisions of the Regulations. The change enters into force upon the publication of the amended Regulations on the Store's website in relation to the Store where the Sales Agreement or the Agreement for the provision of services (one-off) is concluded, subject to the provisions of point XIII.3 of the Regulations.
2. The amendment to the Regulations does not apply to Agreements concluded before the entry into force of the new Regulations. In the case of concluding the Agreements referred to in the preceding point, after the entry into force of the amended Regulations, the Purchaser will be asked to accept the new Regulations.
3. In the case of Stores where the Agreement for the provision of services of a continuous or periodic nature is concluded, the amendment to the Regulations enters into force on the date indicated by the Seller, but not earlier than 45 days from the date of publication of the amended Regulations on the Store's website and simultaneous notify Users about it to the e-mail address assigned to the account.
4. In the event of non-acceptance of the content of the new Regulations, the User may terminate the Agreement for the provision of services of a continuous or periodic nature in the manner provided for in point XI.5 of the Regulations.
5. If the service of a periodic nature expires during the notice period of the Agreement, the Agreement is terminated at that moment and is not extended for the next period.
6. In all matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of generally applicable Polish law shall apply. In matters relating to Allegro (including the use of the Allegro username and password), the relevant provisions of the Allegro Regulations shall apply. In matters related to the use of PayU services in connection with the use of the Store, the relevant provisions of the Regulations for the provision of the PayU service shall apply.
7. Any disputes related to the services provided by the Seller as part of the Store will be settled by the competent Polish common courts.
8. Users who are consumers have the option of using the out-of-court method of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims before the Permanent Consumer Arbitration Court at the Provincial Inspector of the Trade Inspection. Information on how to access the above. the mode and procedures for settling disputes can be found at the following address:, in the "Settlement of consumer disputes" tab.

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